Tips of decoration for baby`s rooms

Hi guys! As Mother`s Days is coming soon, and I am very inspired, missing the time my children were kids, I have resolved to write this post with tips for the baby`s room decoration. I have always said that decorating the little room of the child is like preparing the nest. It is so delightful, and, at the same time, very important, because we get preparing ourselves for this change of phase in our lives, at the moment that we will play the better rule: being a mom.

Decorating the baby’s room is very important, after all, it is a stage of preparation for all family, for this reason, is fundamental to involve Dad and also other children, thereby everyone participates in this process full of affection that is the decoration of the little room of the little new member.

Ideal colors for baby’s room

The baby’s room decoration must be beautiful, cozy, but on top of all, has to be practical, because, that little being will fill your life with love, but it will get a big work.

The first tip that I give you is about the choice of color for the little room. Opt pastel tones that promote relaxation, avoid utilizing vibrant colors that stimulate the baby and will make him get agitated.

Choose a set of colors before starting, this will create an identity and facilitate the election of furniture, decoration objects, and toys like little crochet and stuffed animals.

Watch below two bedrooms that I have decorated, one for a boy, another for a girl, observe that in both, I have escaped that monochrome of everything pink or blue, they have gotten cozy and elegant.

Baby boy bedroom

Baby girl bedroom

How to choose the baby’s room furniture

The baby’s crib is the most important piece, there are some models which transform themselves into little beds, and the baby can use until five years old. There in Brazil, Inmetro has created a Safety Rule that all factories have to obey, in this form, the first thing you should observe is if the little crib has the Inmetro’s stamp.

The bedroom dresser is another important piece of furniture to the baby’s room because his/her clothes are small and get better organized in a drawer, in addition, it will serve also as a diaper changer and support to hygiene kit. The fact is that the baby will become soon a child and his/her needs change, and the dresser will be replaced by a closet, for this reason, my tip is: choose a neutral piece, thereby, in the future, it can be reused in other room at home.

The breastfeed armchair is one more fundamental item, after all, you will take long hours there. It must be comfortable, with support to the arms and head. I recommend placing a little table by side, it will help you a lot.

If you have space, it worth having a closet to store diapers and the biggest pieces of the baby’s layette. With the time the diaper will give space to clothes, that is, it will follow the child growth, for this reason, here also is worth the tip to choose a neutral piece, so that, it can get along the changes that will occur in the bedroom decoration.

Another thing that cannot lack is the niches and shelves, that will serve for organizing the baby’s little things, small animal toys, and other decorative objects.

A day-bed can be interesting, if space allows, with some little cushions, will give a special touch to decoration, besides being one more alternative to receive visits, or to accommodate the baby sitter, if it is your case.

In small rooms, bet in furniture with multiple functions, that take better the area and bring practicality to your day by day.

Safety for the baby

It is important we keep alert to some details that will guarantee the baby’s safety. First, the baby’s crib and diaper changer should be distant from windows and sockets, and far away from airflow.

As I wrote in the beginning, be sure that the baby’s crib has the Inmetro’s stamp. For instance, to prevent accidents, the railings must be 6 cm one from other, besides of structural aspects of the furniture, this certification ensures that the applied ink is not toxic.

It is also important that the mattress is antiallergic and the same size as the crib, without any gap.

Babies love mobiles, but to avoid accidents, make sure they are very fastened, and opt for slight models, like those made of fabrics, because, in case of fall, the risk of injuries is less. It is also important that mobiles are fixed, distant enough for that baby does not hang himself/herself on that. Nothing of letting toys in the crib because the babies can hurt themselves with them.

Stay away from the “crib kits”, they are beautiful, but the SBP (Pediatrician Brazilian Society) and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) disadvise the use of them. The crib kits are great to gather dust, raise the risk of suffocation, and, as the babies grow up, they get used to climbing, which can cause accidents. In addition, they strict the baby's experiences.

Last Lu’s tip

Enjoy this phase, the pregnancy has its discomforts, but it is a wonderful period that you will never forget, so take each moment, after all, the time goes by fast, and soon a new mom will be born.

If you liked these tips, share them, thereby you help me and other future mothers.



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Lu Marinho has no fear of changes – neither of her nor of yours!
With a consistent and stable career, on a beautiful day has resolved to change everything, and nowadays works with her passion, interior design!

She makes this to both clients in the USA and Brazil, in residential environments, commercial and corporate events. Besides that, her YouTube channel provides tips about decoration, DIY, good shopping, travel, tours, food, and much more!

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