How to conserve foods in the fridge

Hi guys, hope you all are doing well! Today, I am going to give you tips on how to conserve foods in the fridge, guaranteeing more durability without losing their nutritional property. This process goes through the planning of shopping and organization. And do you know what you gain with this? Practicality and savings of time, furthermore, you will have healthier food! It is all good. Is not it really?

Shopping’s Planning

Before going shopping it is important to make the old and good shot list: first, because these resources will make the going to supermarket faster; second, you will acquire just what you want, avoiding waste and ensuring that your family consumes always fresh foods.

Another important point is that when we buy a lot of things, the fridge gets overloaded and tough to be organized, this makes us forget what there is inside, then, consequently, goods spoil and make our day more complicated, mainly, on the time of cooking.

Cleaning of fridge

The fridge’ cleaning is fundamental for hygiene matters, of course, but also for the wellbeing of your family because it avoids the proliferation of bacteria that are harmful to health and avoids accelerating the deterioration of food.

For maintaining the fridge sanitized is advisable to clean it up with neutral detergent at once a month. Then pass a homemade antibacterial solution made from 100 ml of alcohol vinegar with a tablespoon of bicarbonate.

Fridge organization

You all know that I love organization, is that right? And the fridge cannot stay out! I have already mentioned that this makes our life more practical, better preserve the foods and help to keep a healthier food. See what to stow on each shelf:

Superior shelf

It is where you will stow foods that spoil faster like milk derivatives, pate, eggs, and drinks that you want they get so cold.

Intermediate shelf

It is suitable for those foods which have been cooked, always remember saving them in bowls with cover.

Inferior shelf

Foods that need less refrigeration, like fruits and those that you want to unfreeze.


Vegetables that need little refrigeration to stay fresh.

Fridge’s door

Because of opening and closing, this is a space that has many variations of temperature, for this reason, is recommendable to stock those foods that we will consume soon, already contain a preservative or that will spoil, like jam, juice, water, and spices.


It is perfect for maintaining freeze food for longer periods.

I have recorded a video explaining everything and show how I do that here at home. Watch here below.

Tips to preserve foods into the fridge

Utilize glass bowl and covered

Stowing foods that have already been cooked, put it in covered bowls, this avoids that it leaves smell in the fridge, or stays with the same smell from another item that is already there. I rather avoid plastic, it is more hygienic, less harmful to the environment, and has safety matter. Some recipients can contain an elevated quantity of BPA in its composition, which brings risks to health..

Sanitize fruits and vegetables before storing

Before storing them in the fridge, sanitize everything. In this manner, you make it difficult to multiply bacteria and get everything ready for consumption. When that hungry comes, it is just to open the fridge, choose the fruit and eat it. This practicality also helps to maintain a healthy diet.

How to sanitize vegetables

It is very simple, it is enough to clean it with water to take out visible dirty, then keep the vegetable immerses, for 15 minutes, in a solution made by 1 liter of water and a spoon of sodium bicarbonate or sanity water. In sequence, rinse it off, dry that very well, and then stow it in the fridge.

How to store vegetables in leaves

After following the steps above to sanitization, do store the vegetable leaves in a covered recipient and by using towel paper at the bottom to absorb the humidity. It makes that they keep themselves lush for more time.

If you follow my tips, both you and your family will have a heathier food and much more practicality in day by day, after all we nee to eat well, but stay hours at kitchen is not cool, is not it my guys?

Comment here below if you are like me who loves an organized fridge.

Ah! I would like to take to recommend a post post that I have written with tips to keep the whole home organized, you will see that everything is very simple.



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Lu Marinho has no fear of changes – neither of her nor of yours!
With a consistent and stable career, on a beautiful day has resolved to change everything, and nowadays works with her passion, interior design!

She makes this to both clients in the USA and Brazil, in residential environments, commercial and corporate events. Besides that, her YouTube channel provides tips about decoration, DIY, good shopping, travel, tours, food, and much more!

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