Decor in industrial style

Hi guys! Today we are going to talk about decor in industrial style, a modern and hipster design that conquers hearts more and more, because it brings a more minimalist vision to the daily and value sustainability, once it reuses furniture and makes a privilege the entry of natural lighting. Did you get curious? So, follow with me.

How the industrial style of decoration came up

Between 50ths and 70ths the prices of residential properties in New York were too expensive, on the other hand, the factories and warehouses moved to far way regions, leaving behind many sheds and empty operational spaces. It did not delay a lot to these local to be occupied, firstly by de artists, who have made of these big spaces their homes and studios. By the time, more and more people surrendered themselves to this new way of living.

These spaces also are called lofts, a wave that gained the world. In the beginning, the industrial style conquered the big metropolises, after they reached more away zones, where the ancient warehouses and granaries have given room to hipster and modern dwellings.

Characteristics of the industrial style

Amplitude, exposed structures, and integrated ambients are the main characteristics of the industrial style. Beams, rough slabs, and apparent plumbing are incorporated into décor, become themselves artistic elements.

As the origins come from ancient factories with high ceilings and ample windows, these aspects were added to gender, like metal which, besides beams, appears into stairs, luminaries, and frames.

The bricks can stay displayed with all their imperfections, by the way, they will give a special touch, it is also possible to paint them with white faded Patna. It is a style that values the building history and promotes the reusing, for this reason, the old pieces that were panned in antiquaries and with timeworn aspects are very welcome.

The natural light which breaks into the ambient through the big windows receives support from indirect illumination made by pendants and gutters with spots. If you want to cover the windows to have more privacy, the better options are the blinds.

For the floor, the burnt cement and wood are perfect, the leather appears on the sofas and chairs. For the ambient does not get so cold, I recommend wool rugs or natural fibers.

The colors are sober and natural like brown, black, ice, terracotta, gray and dark green.

Is this style for me?

If you like minimalist, rough and functional ambients, the industrial style is perfect. I need to mention that living in a loft presupposes integrated environments, with few walls, room division is made by the building itself or, at maximum, by screens. This demands organization and discipline to keep everything always arranged.

As I always say, there is no right or wrong in décor, the most important is that the people who live there feel good and get at ease with the choice they have made. I think very interesting this concept of reusing. At a first moment, the industrial style can seem cold, but imagine that’s cool a house whole clean, functional, and decorated by inherited objects and furniture from relatives, this gets to have another value, it is the union of minimalism and delightful affection of our ancestors.

Tell me, what did think about the idea? Would you live at home in industrial style?



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Lu Marinho has no fear of changes – neither of her nor of yours!
With a consistent and stable career, on a beautiful day has resolved to change everything, and nowadays works with her passion, interior design!

She makes this to both clients in the USA and Brazil, in residential environments, commercial and corporate events. Besides that, her YouTube channel provides tips about decoration, DIY, good shopping, travel, tours, food, and much more!

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